Friday, December 15, 2006

So What's Been Happening Then ...

Glad you have asked, because I have been busy checking out some new sights and scenery and then there was the whole moving to a completely new city thing and starting from scratch and looking for work. But all is righting itself once more and things are going rosy with some very good news on the job front.

But I thought I would mention a couple of highlights from the months gone past. I got to indulge some of my new found pleasure (and pain) in trekking. Firstly there was the almost forgotten 5 day trek that I undertook with the old girl in Northern Thailand. Poor old mum. She suffered a bit worse for wear in the end. It is not like I dragged her along but in the end the trekking through water and mud stuffed her feet and toes around. It took a little while to recover.

Apart from the physical aspects, Northern Thailand I discovered is incredibly like Papua New Guinea; very green and jungly and with similar villages nestled in the mountains. Of course it was not all the same; the water buffalo, the rice paddies and the buddhist monks mediating in caves made it interesting and different.

Along the track

Once back home I didn't take long to get back out amongst it and do some more trekking. This time it was the Six Foot Track from Katoomba in the Blue Mountains to the Jenolan Caves. A three day walk it proved to be a good way to get back to being in Australia with wildlife spotting a major feature.


And from there we went off to the amazing and, thankfully, hardly visited natural spectacular of the Kanangra Walls. It was a time to get up close to the unhindered drops and get some of those "guy on perilous cliff-top" photos.

On Top Of The Walls 2

So since then like I said, the job front is looking good. In a few days time I start work for a company I have been a fan of for a long time. Lonely Planet. Unfortunately not writing guidebooks, but instead in their more mundane IT department. I am really looking forward to it though.

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